A Software Documentation System should be able to allow all Software related knowledge to be managed in one application, to allow complete, one-stop shopping. Although it may not be physically stored in one location, it should provide the ability to link to, or easily find, documentation that may be stored outside of the SDS.
Some applications created for Software documentation only specialize in certain areas, such as database documentation, or API documentation for example. It would be much more efficient to have all of this documentation accessible in one centralized system, where all objects and modules can be seamlessly related, as they are in your Software System.
Today’s methods of Software documentation are anything but centralized. Most likely, any limited documentation Software Teams have today is scattered in code, comments, word docs, different workstations, emails, Wiki sites, design docs, requirements, Software documentation tools, etc. There would be much more value to Software Teams if all documentation existed in one, easily searchable, centralized repository. Additionally, there would be a much higher chance of adding and updating documentation when you know exactly which system and location to use.
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